Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Ok ....so now it's my turn for the Challenge .....

This weeks challenge is to:
Research the Zorn Palette (if you don't already know all about it)
Paint a painting, using your own reference picture, in the Zorn palette.
List the colours you used and say what your thoughts were whilst painting with them.


Ree's Tree

Sorry Ree .....I'm a bit late too ......I am in a bit of a melancholy mood as it is 3 years ago today that my mother died. I am off to the grave soon to put some flowers on it. Thank you for this challenge Ree .....it made me get my paints out today and do a knife painting .....maybe when I come back from grave visiting I will paint a masterpiece ....or something ......
Acrylic on board 6X8

Ree's Birch Tree Challenge (late sorry)

This was fun. I used gel medium and acrylic paint, and my palette knife. 5"x7"


I thought I would paint some botanical art for my stall. People just want to buy paintigns that are clean and simple and basically no background.

10"x12" acrylic on canvas.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Preparations for a future Challenge..

I have been thinking about Tali's Thread “Local Colour” more and more, and I really enjoyed painting those blocks and reflected colour, even though they are very rough, and not at all in perspective, they gave me what I wanted from the exercise.

So, today I went out and bought some wood, and some polystyrene balls, . I had the wood (2”x4”) cut into 2 square blocks, 2 triangles which, when joined together, makes a square. I had cardboard here, as I couldn’t find polystyrene cones today. (the balls were cheap by the way, $1.99 for 6 balls.)

I made 3 cones out of the cardboard, and painted them in the primary colours. I painted 3 balls in primary colours and one white. painted. I painted the blocks and triangles in primary colours.. (See pic)

When you have time and feel like having a play, you guys make this set as well, and we will have a challenge in the near future incorporating the shapes.

Once you have your set made up, you can also use them as tools for future paintings. Try this. Sit the red ball next to the yellow one and see the reflected colours on each ball. What colours do you see? The white ball is perfect for this exercise. By placing the red ball next to the white one, you can see the colour I am talking about reflected onto the white ball. What do you see when you place the yellow and green ball together? What colour?. The red and blue? See the complimentary colours?

These colours are all reflected in the shadows cast by an object sitting on a surface. To see what I mean, look at the surface your balls and blocks are sitting one. Put light source on one side and look. See the colours from the individual objects on the surface. This becomes more obvious if you have a white surface.


Form shadows are the shadows on an object, cast from the object itself, and from objects near it. Also shadows that have bounced off the surface onto the object create form. These shadows give the object it’s 3D look.

Cast shadows are the shadows cast by the object onto the surface the object is sitting on. There is colour in these shadows if you look hard enough. The colour is reflected from the object onto the surface, by the surrounding light.

When you have time and feel like having a play, make this set as well, and we will have a challenge in the near future incorporating these shapes.

Playing with shapes and colour.

I didn't feel much like painting today, yet again. I am fighting to stay awake and it is so hard. I am wonder if it has something to do with the red meat I ate a couple of nights ago, on top of the Sunday Market thing. I am trying hard to overcome it, as I hate being like this I really do.

Anyway I painted these, just playing, and I want your opinions and critiques. There is plenty to critique here ;-)) Even though I may prickle when I read the critiques, we all do, it is a natural reaction, I do take notice, and I do go look at my painting to see how I can improve it with your suggestions.
Tali gave me the idea by the way, for this, with her thread Local Colour in the Open Critique Forum. I am going to buy some blocks and paint them tomorrow.. These are just drawn from looking at some books I have, and making them up myself..
10"x12" acrylic

Friday, March 27, 2009

Mike and Jesse's Fav Shirt Game

This is what I've been up to mostly this week, trying to get it done before I go to the hospital. Acrylic on wood, 6X9".
I have a few more tweaks on the face and hands but it's close enough to show you. This is only my 3rd portrait, second in B&W. The next will be a larger canvas with the combo of my dad and I (scroll down the page) along with my boys, called a firm foundation, with my dad in the middle.

Birch Tree

Don't laugh, but I had an idea for a minature show. Unfortunatly I missed the deadline already, but it was a good exercise. This is acrylic on canvas, 3.5X4.5". I got it at the dollar store which came with some crummy watercolours. Knife work mostly.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Rose in Square Vase

Acrylic on canvas. I drew the vase and the outline of the rose in graphic, and put the petals in with my brush. I had a ball with this. Not "loose" but it's a rose in a vase.. ;-) 10"x12" c&c

Bruce you have been hanging around with JJ too much .....you're beginning to sound like her ....just sayin'

I have been painting .....I just haven't been bothered to photograph them until I came here and listened to all the nagging ...... ROFLOLPIMP
I have painted a puffin and I am working on a portrait of my brother ....2 actually ...one in black and white and the other in colour .... so there .....

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Everyone is very quiet?

So where is all your sketches and artwork peoples? All except Bruce of course who has posted a painting and a sketch this week. Can't le one man show us up girls!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Toddler Hijinx

My next portrait project for later. A whimsical shot I took one day after I pulled the boys' shirts up over the back of their heads.

They love this and run all over the house screaming and giggling. My source pic is blurry but I have pleanty other shots of the faces. It is just too much fun to ignore.

I will eventually do a group shot with me and my dad, if I survive the surgery next week.

Monday, March 23, 2009

A Rose is a Rose?

A Rose by any other name is still a rose, unless I paint it in acrylics on a 3X4 card. I did this to prove I could do it in impressionistic style for JJ. I failed miserably. I wanted to show you I was doing something, but I think nothing is better than bad work....hmmmm....

Whose turn to post Challenge? (in this order)







Challenge! Add your ideas here!!!!!!!!!!

How about really stretching ourselves, like we did with the self portrait. What else can we think up? Put your thinking caps on.... These challenges should be fun, and something totally out of our comfort zone..

Choose one artist and paint a picture in his/her style







Specific palette

Drawing instead of painting Graphite - pastel - ????

Found objects

Mixed media

Specific medium

Plein Air

Whimsical cats, or animals of any kind.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

A Day at the Market in Gusting winds.

It blew and it blew!!!! First the back wall caved in. My neighbour Bela tied it back with string. It gusted some more, all the paintings had to come down as they were getting damaged and the side wall caved in. My neighbour behind me tied that one up with rope for the remainder of the day. I sat there for 8 hours and no sales..

Next week will be better!!!!!!!!!

A Firm Foundation

A word to JJ first, grrrrrrrrrrrr.......I have never had such a bad time trying to do a painting. I figured a B&W study would be a good start. I didn't have the luxury of other colours to bail me out so if its a bit muddled, you'll know why.
This is my favorite pic of me and my dad, just a few months before he passed on. I plan to do a family man group, with my two sons added to this pic, one on each side of dad.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

A portraitist, I am not......... But I finished it.

c&c welcome of course.

The painting is not finished, and I don't know if I have the heart to finish it. I guess I could finish the shirt, but I wont subject you to another photo lol

I painted this on a canvas 10"x12" I told Ree off for painting hers too small, (you can growl at me Ree-I think hers is 7" x 9") and then I go paint mine too small. That was my first mistake. Second is painting it in acrylics.
I should have started it at the beginning of the week and painted it in oil, or watercolour, for that matter. Not that it would have looked much better mind you, but at least the oils don't dry so fast, and the watercolour is manipulable. But, having said all that, I have to admit, this is the most dreadful painting I have painted in a long time. :-D ........... that is ok though, as I have gotten portraiture out of my system for awhile.

Another should have; I didn't even glance at my portraiture colour mixing book I have here, and I should have! sheesh. I stayed up until the wee hours of this morning painting this mess :-D
I really admire the portraitists on wc like Tali.

So. I hand drew this and painted from a photo on my laptop (printer was out of ink) I had taken with my webcam earlier last evening.

I hope this makes you feel much much better about yours Bruce!!! hehehehe

Third time lucky!!!!!!! .......The good thing about doing a self portrait .....

The good thing about doing a self portrait is that you can leave out a
line or ten, make the eyes bigger, bluer and whiter, the lips a bit
fuller and get an instant hair colour ....no grays showing ..... make
myself look sexy even .....well that was the plan ....somehow it
didn't go the way I intended .....but it was fun trying .....

Friday, March 20, 2009

Roses finished?

I chickened out on putting in big shadows. If anyone wants to photoshop it and show me how they would do the shadows go right ahead..

Tomato Juice

This is an experiment I'm working on for the upcoming minature show in Quebec, so I gave it a spin. This is acrylic on bristol board card, 3X4"
I prepared an AECO card (buisness card size, 2.5X3.5") to do this again. I have so much painting to do and so little time and enrgy.
What do you think?

Quirky Cats & Roses

I had some fun this afternoon. I painted quirky cats in acrylics. I paint these in watercolour, the are well liked, so I thought why not try them in acrylics. It was a hoot. 15 minutes for each painting. I love to let loose and paint something totally crazy once in a while.
The roses took me about 5 hours all up, from the initial sketch in my sketchbook, to the painting, which isn't quite finished, I have yet to put the shadows in.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Veggie-Fruit Juice ver 2.0

The pic of this darker than in real life, so I apologize. i did fix the elipses, sharpen the lines and darkend the background to allow the glass to shine. Whchya all thinkÉ

My Son Michael

Acrylic on Canvas, 8X10"

This is my first ever portrait. My wife liked gthe rough acrylic sketch more becasue it showed his droopy eyelid, like mine, and his eyes are darker, two things I must fix on this one, but here it is.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Todays painting (3) Florals

These paintings are from my imagination. 2 are 10"x 12" and the pedestal one is 12" x 16" This is my first attempt at painting impressionist roses.

Veggie-Fruit Juice Part Deux

Late I know, but with all that is going on and only having limited time due to my health..etc, etc, excuses...excuses...excuses.....Not nearly as clean and crisp as JJ's entry, but I finished this amid a near nervous breakdown and in a funk of depression, wah wah wah...even I can't stand it anymore..

Sorry I haven't been around much lately, fighting something I'm not used to facing...fear... I go for another heart operation on Apr 2 in Toronto. So bear with me please...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Todays Paintings (4)

I painted four 10"x12" paintings today, for my market stall. I gesso'd the background before I painted the picture.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Say a prayer for me .....

I'm not sure why I painted this but I felt I wanted to. It's not that I'm into religion! My mother would turn in her grave if she knew how nonreligious I was!
She was the exact opposite. She was the type of woman who went to mass every day and said the rosary often. When we were kids we had to kneel down and say the rosary every night before bedtime......I hated it .....
My step grandmother tried to talk me into becoming a nun ..... I didn't ......

Sunday, March 15, 2009

CHALLENGE for 14th March - 21st March SELF PORTRAIT!

Have fun peoples.

Please post on the same day, Sunday the 22nd of March.

I can't wait to see all the paintings all together..


Sketches 15.03.09

I did a couple of sketches while I was sitting in my stal at he market. One is of one of the gum trees across the road, the other of the garbage bin at another stall across from me..

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Bob the Snow Blower

Tweaked painting. The Final.

This si what i was working on this week for my neighbour Bob, who cleaned my driveway all winter becasue I was unable to. I posted this on WC but I wasn't sure if all of you are on the site.

Edited by JJ

Here is the adjusted painting I did..

Friday, March 13, 2009

Photograph of the fiddle that belonged to the fiddle case ....

Tomato Juice (just for Bruce)

I have to tell you Bruce, that wasn't an easy one to paint. Took me all day. I just painted the shapes, and stepped back, and saw I had a glass..;-))

Still Life 2.0


I had said I was going to take some more pics and said I'd share some, so here's a nice soft one.

A Simple One,

And my fav...