Sunday, August 9, 2009

Sketching for painting

Not acceptable as a contribution to the drawing challenge I know. I have been concentrating on composition of late and watercolour techniques (as always) and my sketching has been directed towards that end. I find it useful to make a simple sketch , or often, more than one, until I feel that I have the right composition for me. it also helps me focus and think about what I want to do in the painting, the technique to use, the values, what mood I want to express etc. So this is an example of the kind of sketching I indulge in. I admit it is not a pretty sight but for me, very useful. This is the result of 2 days work, not continuously, but interspersed with other projects, gardening, walks and many cups of tea. Now to paint it! Therein lies the problem. If only it will turn out the way I picture it!

My Something Leafy

Ok, I promise I'm working on the something leafy thing. It's taking awhile because it's in graphite, but once I'm done, I'll upload it. Just wanted to let you all know that I'm actually doing some of the stuff on here. I would have been done the other day, but I didn't like how it came out, so I refuse to post it. lol Hopefully, it'll be done in the next day or so. It's all out of my head, but it's a lot of fun to work on so far. :)

My painting Sketch and reshoot of Pastel Plant

here's the plant redo. It isn't over until/unless it leaves the house so I may add more depth in the future.

Then my painting, which is just a sketch looking to make a larger painting with more staffing. I have such trouble with perspective so that's why I did this. I can't say that I learned a thing with this exercise so I think I really did it just to wet the brushes. Didn't take care with the palette either. Me bad. Comment if you choose to, because I will be interested.


This must be my last day ....surely .... and then you will all be back to more interesting suggestions .... hahaha for the second day in a row ..... just draw something .....the main thing is that you do draw .... :)

Today's drawing

My first time using compressed charcoal .... so I drew my camera .... about 3" X 4"

Painting Challenge

Tiger Lilies are my favorite flower. I have wild ones planted in a lot of different areas around my home that I transplanted from an old farmhouse in the country. The colors in this look better in real life...I could not get photo shop to adjust the colors or contrasts the way they look in the original painting. This is pastel on dark gray colorfix paper.