Saturday, April 11, 2009

4 paintings, the 3 seagull ones are easy, and fun.

The other painting was fun, it is a sunset at the Wynnum waterfront. I can't get decent photo's darn it. I painted these this evening, now I am off to bed. All 12" x 16" single thickness gallery wrap canvas acrylics. c&c of course..


12" x 16" canvas - acrylics.

Survivor, the Hospital Version

Hi y'all, just when you thot it was safe to view the blog....I'm baaaack...

The operation to insert a third wire into my heart for my pacemaker was successful and what a difference already!!! However, I woke up in the operation when they started the pacemaker agian and felt my heart flutter. It was great....until they started digging and cutting around the pacemaker, without had worn off...I yelled loudly and they added more freezing but I still felt it and let them know, arrrgggghh.

And to top off the fun, I got an infection at the same time which kept me in the hosp for an extra 5 days. So instead of coming home in two days, I spent a week in there, plus I have to wear an IV pump for another four days, but I'm home finally. Made it back last nite. I may haunt you all for a while yet.

I see you all have been up to some nice work while I was away. Good to see you guys producing.

Puffins for Anne ;-))

So I have to tell you it 'aint easy painting puffins.. *sigh* The second one isn't finished, but it is 1.30am and I need some sleep..
Both are 10" x 12" canvas acrylic. c&c very welcome!

Gee, they don't photograph well, do they Anne? Wow, they look so much better in person.