Thursday, January 22, 2009

Tree Painting

I had painted the most gorgeous tree painting you have ever seen (trust me ....would I tell a lie!!) on this little board 6" X 8" I used a knife and slabbered on the paint and when it was at it's most beautiful state I though ....I can make this even more beautiful .......sadly I was wrong and it ended up a mess I had to take a paper towel to it and I rubbed most of the paint off leaving a lovely dirty greeny/brown colour! So I painted ovet the lovely mud with blue and started again and after 30 mins or so I have this one ......
I am actually quite happy with it ....I was kinda trying to copy JJ's gorgeous painting .... (don't tell her!)
Painted on board with knives and mine is dry ....I used acrylics!