Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Something Easy!

Pastel pencils. 5"x7" Bockingford watercolour paper cp This was a heap of fun!!!!!


12"x16" double wrap canvas. Acrylic. This one is destined for the Market.. C&C most welcomed..

Something easy .....

An apple should be easy right? .....not so easy at all .... pastel pencils 4" X 3"

Something pretty....

A brooch ....unfortunately I wasn't able to show its prettiness ....about 2" X 2" ....it's come out sideways again!

My Easiest thing to Draw

This was definately the easiest thing to draw. I did it in Nupastel and it took me about 10 minutes. Infact all 3 of my drawings were done in about an hour...I wanted to catch up. I love sketching in pastel. It is so easy and quick. A few blobs of color a little blending and you are done. My favorite thing to wear also...one of my slippers I have had for about 3 years or so.

My most Gorgeous Thing

This one I did in colored pencil...it is a Dream Catcher...a gift from my youngest son. Why I think it is so gorgeous plus I do love Indian things.


I made my book a simple one...one of my sketch books...no title to have to write.


Find something in your house or garden that you think would be very easy to draw and .....draw it ..... just keeping things simple as some of us (including me!) are behind!!