Monday, December 28, 2009

Snow storm today

Last night, we had freezing rain all night. I awoke to the rat-a-tap-tap of the ice pellets hitting my bedroom window. Wondered what the heck it was at first. It woke4 me a couple of times, but I drifted off easily enough again. By mid morning we had a snow storm. It was amazing, huge snow flakes, that by the end of the storm wee horizontal!!!! There was snow stuck to the side of the side of the 6 story apartment building across the road. cool!!!!!


  1. Wow..those ARE some huge snowflakes! Did you go outside and play in them? lol That snow is soo pretty. :D And what kind of vehicle was that in the middle of the building across from you??

  2. "Cool" video JJ in more ways than one!!! hehehe!

    Hiya Charity...think the truck is a combo plough/blower ...IMO ;)

  3. Hey guys, how would you like to live in this house when it snow!! The snow was up to the rafters, 7ft deep and frozen solid!!! :O
    Looks like icing on a cake ;)...take a look below

  4. Thanks for the link Ree!!!!!!

    That snow, that house, it was like that when I came to Quebec City the last time in 2006..:-))

  5. Wow, Ree. That's insane! It's probably a good thing that the houses around there are mostly vacant. lol


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