Saturday, March 28, 2009

Preparations for a future Challenge..

I have been thinking about Tali's Thread “Local Colour” more and more, and I really enjoyed painting those blocks and reflected colour, even though they are very rough, and not at all in perspective, they gave me what I wanted from the exercise.

So, today I went out and bought some wood, and some polystyrene balls, . I had the wood (2”x4”) cut into 2 square blocks, 2 triangles which, when joined together, makes a square. I had cardboard here, as I couldn’t find polystyrene cones today. (the balls were cheap by the way, $1.99 for 6 balls.)

I made 3 cones out of the cardboard, and painted them in the primary colours. I painted 3 balls in primary colours and one white. painted. I painted the blocks and triangles in primary colours.. (See pic)

When you have time and feel like having a play, you guys make this set as well, and we will have a challenge in the near future incorporating the shapes.

Once you have your set made up, you can also use them as tools for future paintings. Try this. Sit the red ball next to the yellow one and see the reflected colours on each ball. What colours do you see? The white ball is perfect for this exercise. By placing the red ball next to the white one, you can see the colour I am talking about reflected onto the white ball. What do you see when you place the yellow and green ball together? What colour?. The red and blue? See the complimentary colours?

These colours are all reflected in the shadows cast by an object sitting on a surface. To see what I mean, look at the surface your balls and blocks are sitting one. Put light source on one side and look. See the colours from the individual objects on the surface. This becomes more obvious if you have a white surface.


Form shadows are the shadows on an object, cast from the object itself, and from objects near it. Also shadows that have bounced off the surface onto the object create form. These shadows give the object it’s 3D look.

Cast shadows are the shadows cast by the object onto the surface the object is sitting on. There is colour in these shadows if you look hard enough. The colour is reflected from the object onto the surface, by the surrounding light.

When you have time and feel like having a play, make this set as well, and we will have a challenge in the near future incorporating these shapes.


  1. Impressive JJ. Taht is exactly what I was talking about earlier. And I see you improvised like I said. Good for you, now I have to go and do it too. Great job. You missed a spot on the blue cone....giggle giggle snort...

  2. (You missed a spot on the blue cone....giggle giggle snort...)


    This is some good old fashioned stress free playtime here. I look forward to seeing your set..

    Thank you for reminding me about doing this in the first place!!!

  3. Now that I look close under the magnifying glass, your red cone is casting a yellow shadow...oh,sorry, that's my meds messing me up....giggle...

    Yeah, imagine my surprise to see you take me up on one of my suggestions...good for go girl...and take mimi with you...just kidding...sorry she got tossed, but I only jsut got here and you know the history.

  4. "Now that I look close under the magnifying glass, your red cone is casting a yellow shadow...oh,sorry, that's my meds messing me up....giggle..."

    Bruce you are a goose.. Oh look I am a poet and didn't Knowit. All together now.........grooooooooooooan.

  5. Maybe poet but when you rhyme, you blow it....hehehehehe

  6. ;-)) (pity we don't have smilies in here) :-P

  7. Sure we do, here's one before I go |:-})

    I will contact you when I get back on Sat or Sun if all goes well...

  8. It will go well!!!!!!

    Huge hugs Bruce from Ree and I .. (her pc is still in the fixit shop)

    God Bless, Stay strong, and know we are cyber-holding your hand. You have a LOT of people who care about you and are pulling for you Bruce, you WILL be back brighter, and stronger than ever!


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