Thursday, January 15, 2009

Two snow painting wip

Here are two snow paintings I am working on. 8"x10" on canvas board using oils. The one on the right is going to be a tar sealed road, (photo courtesy of Shipbroker wc) the one on the left is a snowy driveway, (photo courtesy of the landscape forum challenge wc) fence post to be added among other things. I am enjoying these too, just waiting for them to dry a little so I can paint some more. I use alkyd, and a turpentine substitute as my mediums.


  1. Looking good JJ...can't wait to see what you do with the roads especially the tared one ;)

  2. Looking great JJ's well seen you love snow .....

  3. I LOVE snow!!!!! I will work on this later today. I have a couple of artists coming for a visit to my studio at lunchtime.

  4. You are certainly a snow lover JJ!
    So far so good...

  5. I love snow with a passion. I could live in it quite happily, the good with the bad.


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