Monday, September 7, 2009

Me and my bright ideas...

I can't think of a thing out of my limerick to paint. Help!

I can see one thing in Anne's and one thing in Ree's I would paint.


  1. What about a pair of pants tied to a span flapping in a strong breeze like a flag...!!! Get your pencils out and do some sketches...come on JJ, use your imagination!!! LOL

  2. My imagination isn't working for my limerick. I should paint a word out of Anne's, you paint a word out of mine, and she paints a word out of yours!!!!!

  3. You have put a very tight limit to the challenge JJ, that's the problem I think!lol

  4. I think so, so, are you up for it??

  5. How about laundry hanging on a line with a pair of ripped pants flapping in the breeze?


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