Friday, February 20, 2009

Colleen'a photograph challenge

I did this knife painting quickly tonight and enjoyed it a lot until I mucked up the greenery on the right hand side ....maybe tomorrow I will give it another go .....


  1. I don't understand why my paintings sometimes come out sideways!!!! ......

  2. I like your greenery just fine. The near hill though, does not look like a hill, it's too blue ? Not sure what's wrong there.

  3. Anne this is awesome, truly. Is it oil or acrylic? I have straightened your painting for you, and I am sorry for calling you Colleen.. (insert blush icon)

    I really like that you changed the colours of the building.

    I wish your photo was bigger, it is very small even when I click on it. I am panting mine now, I started with colleen today..

  4. It's great to hear that you are "panting" yours JJ!!!!..... I look forward to seeing it!

  5. Well panting is much more fun than painting, don't you know, as long as it isn't a quickie!!!

  6. Only a bit more attention to detail would make this better. The mountain is too blue, but who cares, It's beautiful. Nice work.


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