Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Gum Trees

I tried, for the first time, knife painting. I had a ball!!!!!! I can't for the life of me get the colours to read correctly, because the oil paint is still wet, so I guess it is the glare that is bothering the camera.


  1. JJ I love this is absolutely gorgeous!
    I haven't even started mine yet .....I am so inspired by your painting now though .....

  2. Wow! JJ this is great!You must be very pleased!

  3. Anne - Sandy, I am rather pleased with this little painting. I wish it was bigger. I will have to paint another one hey.

  4. Nice work JJ, glad you enjoyed experimenting with the palette knife. I have a set of them somewhere, still in the original wrapping, I think!lol

    I think the values are a little dark especially in the foreground. Maybe, you could add more highlights when it it dry enough to work on...that's only MO ;)


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