Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Something Easy!

Pastel pencils. 5"x7" Bockingford watercolour paper cp This was a heap of fun!!!!!


  1. Ok, that actually LOOKS like it was fun to draw. I'm not sure if that pear is actually shaped like that, but it looks very impressionistic. I love it. :)

  2. Yes, it was shaped like that, which is why I picked it from the 9 I have in my bowl, and I love that stem :D

    It was as good to eat as it was to draw! LOL

  3. Yeah, now this is rude...something I like. I like to max out the proportions like I'm doing with those current portraits. Add just a hit more depth to the pear's own cast shadow (right near it's 'bottom' perhaps using Orange, the compliment of Blue so it's real dark. And find someplace to put a red spot to pop that green into the Strtospere. I like it!! Wish it was a 5x7 canvas.

  4. Thanks Fookie, I will do that!!! Why do you wish it were canvas? Can I use the pastel pencils on canvas?

  5. Great work JJ...it has a lot of character and I love that stalk! Well done!!

  6. Great colors JJ! I love the green in the pear.

    Susan Sarback has a good book on the type of color fookie is talking about. Capturing Radiant Light and Color in Oils and Pastels.

  7. PS...I wouldn't try pastels on canvas...definately not stretched canvas and if you did it on regular board canvas you'd probably want to apply some pumice mixture over it or Colorfix to grip the pastel.

  8. I lost that message.

    Personally I wouldn't even try Pastel on canvas. If you insist you can buy Pastelbord which gives a lot of textue, but I don't think you want to bother with that right now.

    Canvas because this is a good subect/size for Market. Saleable, that's why.

  9. Ah got you now Fookie.:)

    Linda thanks, I will look that book up at the library.

    Ree thanks g/friend.

  10. Right, I haven't used Pastel on canvas but I think it would need a lot to make it suitable. From my viewpoint not worth the effort. Canvas so you can sell it at Market, this is a good sale, no frame, no protective cover...just profit.

  11. I'm sure Fookie is referring to acrylic on canvas :-)

  12. Linn, you just keep following me around and explaining me, OK? I've been looking for someone like you for years :) :) :)

  13. Fookie...maybe we think alike :-) I am forever trying to explain what I said and wonder why I wasn't understood in the first place...like why would I say that?


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