Saturday, August 22, 2009

Seagull on rocks..... finished

A3 sketchbook charcoal


  1. Lovely finish...the addtional rocks set it off.

  2. Thanks Linda. I didn't really enjoy working with the charcoal in this manner. far too messy and I lost the white paper straight away.. :(

  3. I never enjoyed working with charcoal in any way to be honest with you...I like the set of 3 graphite pencils much better...cleaner to work with and you don't have to "fix" them after they are done. You did really well though I I said those added rocks made it pop.

  4. Everything looks great JJ. Those rocks getting done definately sets it off. I honestly have no idea how in the world people use charcoal. I suck at it bigtime. I have yet to even figure out how to use the sticks. lol

  5. You and me both. I hate the feel of it on my fingers, so I have a holder the the willow kind.

    I just kept adding more and more, then when it looked too much, I got my blutack and pulled it out a couple of times, loosely squished it, and rolled it over the rocks. So professional hahaha

    I really have no idea how those folks who do use it all the time, get their required 5 values. I resorted to my charcoal pencil for the darkest darks.


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